Books / eBooks
The Hatbox Chronicles
Hummingbird Jewel has a prophetic dream in her early thirties and it is realized in her late fifties!
Mesmerized by reading an article in a Continental Airlines plane magazine about an actress who spent the night "alone" at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, a young woman ponders upon independent women. A few years later she dreams that she is walking into the Ritz hotel in Paris dressed to the nines and is carrying a red and white hatbox. Twenty Five years later she is working 55 hours a week as a Nanny to support herself and after posting her story about her dream online with a photo of her in a hat a good Samaritan steps up and asks her "If I give you a round trip ticket to Paris will you go and buy the hat?"
Dreams do come true! The Hatbox Chronicles are based on a true story and then takes off from there accounting on her travel adventures around the world beginning at age sixteen when she boards a plane to Sweden at age fifteen.

Hummingbird Jewels Little Books of Wisdom Vol. I, II, III
Since the year 2009, Hummingbird Jewel has been receiving messages from the divine and posting them on her Face Book. The topics vary from spiritual principles to daily life. Each little book is meant to be "just opened" and the passage will speak to your heart!

"If you build it they will come"
I believe in the cart before the horse as a way of creating! Here are upcoming books that will be written in the future!
Meditation, Massage, and ...
This title is yet to be revealed! How can meditation improve our life? What happens if we mix massage into it? This book will tickle you senses and investigate the many benefits of incorporating physical touch with visualization and meditation.