Angels and the Heavenly Realms .. PETER HANSEN!
Transformation Talk Radio & Kornelia Stephanie’s Living Heaven on Earth’s Radio Show brings you a channeling from Peter Hansen.
Enjoy the conversation and uplifting messages as Hummingbird Jewel co-hosts this series her 8th show and invites her guests to share with you. The month her divine guidance guided her to invite Psychic Angelic Channeler Peter Hansen. She also was wrote her 8th blog on the Spiritual Laws series and this month was The Spiritual Law of Correspondence.
Peter’s Hansen’s mission is: “I am here to anchor divine light, serve humanity as an spiritual ascension guide on this earthy plane, to empower others on their path, and to heal those that need a transmutation of energy from dark to light!”
To know more about Peter please visit his website:
To Read the blog on the Spiritual Laws by Hummingbird Jewel visit her website: